Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Grand Staircase Of The Titanic, Before And After

 One of the most impressive features of the RMS Titanic and her sister ship the RMS Olympic was the Grand Staircase, located in the forward part of the ship. This ornate stairwell connected the first-class decks with public rooms. No photographs of the Titanic's Grand Staircase are known to exist, and photos such as this one use the extremely similar Olympic staircase to give us an impression of the Titanic's.

Here's how the Grand Staircases of the Titanic and Olympic were described in a promotional brochure of the time:

A STRIKING INTRODUCTION to the wonders and beauty of these vessels is the Entrance Hall and Grand Staircase in the forward section where one begins to realize for the first time the magnificence of these surpassing steamers. The Grand Staircase, sixteen feet wide, extends over sixty feet and serves seven decks, five of which are also reached by the Three Electric Passenger Elevators. It is modeled closely after the style so prevalent during the reign of William and Mary, except that instead of the usual heavily-carved balustrade, a light wrought-iron grille has been employed, a fashion found in a few of the most exclusive great houses of that period. The Entrance Hall and Grand Staircase are surmounted by a glass dome of great splendor, a fitting crown as it were to these the largest and finest steamers in all the world.

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