Saturday, August 20, 2022

Russian survivor liberated by the U.S. Army in Buchenwald camp in Germany identified a former guard from SS who was brutally beating prisoners. Taken on June 5, 1945

 Following the end of World War 2 there was extreme chaos in Europe. Not only because of the major restructuring that occurred following the crashing of the Axis, but also because of the release of prisoners for Nazi concentration camps.

Many of the survivors took it upon themselves to seek out their tormentors and bring them to justice. At the time it wasn’t like there was a computer database of everyone who worked in a concentration camp, and unless someone was caught working in a camp they could pretend that they were somewhere else during the war.

Many former soldiers attempted to lie their way around a war crimes accusation, but the memories of concentration camp survivors are long and they crave justice.

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