Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Louis XV Private Apartments at Versailles


Louis XV's Private Apartments

Louis XV was far more reserved than his great-grandfather had been and found it difficult to cope with the constant public lifestyle created for him. So, he made several alterations to the King's private apartment while he left the majority of the remaining château untouched. He altered the private apartment twice:


1) Cabinet of the Wigs / Cabinet des Perruques

2) Cabinet

3) Toilet / Chaise Percée

5) Louis XV's Bedchamber Chambre de Coucher

7) Dinning Salon / Salle de Manger

8) Antechamber / Antichambre 

9) Bath Chamber / Chambre du Bains

10) Bath / Bains

11) Cabinet

12) Oval Cabinet / Cabinet Ovale

13) Salon

14) Small Gallery / Petite Galerie

15) Salon 

16) Cabinet of Medallions / Cabinet des Medailles

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