Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Louis XIV Private apartments at Versailles


The King's Private Apartment

Louis XIV's Private Apartments

Louis XIV was a firm believer in the system he created which allowed him - or his family - little privacy. Consequently, the rooms allotted for his owe personal use were few (compared to the château's size) and were not particularly private at that.

1) The King's Cabinet / Cabinet du Roi

2) Cabinet of the Wigs / Cabinet des Perruques

3) Billard / Cabinet de Billard

4) Salon of the Small Staircase / Salon de Petit Escalier

5) Cabinet of Paintings / Cabinet des Tableaux

6) The Cabinet of Shells / Cabinet aux Coquilles

7) The Oval Cabinet / Cabinet Ovale

8) The Small Gallery / Petite Galerie

9) Cabinet of Curiosities / Cabinet des Curiosities 

a) Antechamber of the Bull's Eye
b) The King's Bedchamber
c) The Ambassador's Staircase

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