Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Saint Agatha


The Church containing the relics of St Agatha of Sicily was recently vandalized and the ‘body’ desecrated by the vandals.

According to local reports, the vandals broke into the Church of St. Agatha al Collegio in Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy where the relics of St Agatha is place.

Suspected men therefore vandalized the tabernacle.

They also stole some religious artifacts and depictions, broke hosts (Holy Communion ) and destroyed the depictions of the Virgin Mary at the alter.

Although the main body of St. Agatha was buried at the Church of the Abbey of St. Agatha in Catania, her relics is at Church of St. Agatha al Collegio in Caltanissetta which the Church dedicated to her is the one vandalized.

body of St Agatha of Sicily vandalised
St Agatha is one of the over 250 Saints of the Catholic Church whose body was preserved from decay.

Saints’ remains are said to have ‘incorrupt’ body after their bodies or a part of it showed no sign of decomposition.

However, two men have already been arrested in connection with the incident after some of the missing items were found in their possession.


The Catholic Church will be celebrating the feast day of St. Agatha on Feb. 5.  She is the patron saint of breast cancer.

St. Agatha was born in Catania, Sicily.   She died a martyr in 251.  She is one of seven women memorialized in the cannon of the Mass.

Her legendary story tells us she was tortured for her faith. After being imprisoned in a brothel by Quintian, she was then sent to prison. When she persisted in the faith, she was tortured by having her breasts amputated. She was then martyred. During a vision she had of St. Peter, she was healed.

Because of this torture, she is considered the patron saint of breast cancer victims.

St. Agatha died while in prison. In art she is shown with her amputated breasts on a platter.


The following quotes are attributed to St. Agatha:

“My courage and my thought be so firmly founded upon the firm stone of Jesus Christ, that for no pain it may not be changed, your words be not wind, your promises be but rain, and your menaces be as rivers that pass, and how will that all these things hurtle at the fundament of my courage, yet for that it shall not move.”

Quote of St. Agatha

“Jesus Christ, Lord of all things! You see my heart, you know my desires. Possess all that I am — you alone.       I am your sheep; make me worthy to overcome the devil.”

Quote of St. Agatha

Lord Jesus Christ, you created me, you watched over me from infancy,
kept my body from defilement, preserved me from love of the world,
made me able to withstand torture, and granted me the virtue of patience
in the midst of torments.


Prayer to Saint Agatha

O St. Agatha,
who withstood the unwelcome advances
from unwanted suitors,
and suffered pain and torture
for your devotion to Our Lord,
we celebrate your faith, dignity, and martyrdom.

Protect us against rape and other violations,
guard us against breast cancer
and other afflictions of women,
and inspire us to overcome adversity.

O St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr,
mercifully grant that we who venerate your sacrifice,
may receive your intercession.


Burial of St Agatha, by Giulio Campi, 1537

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