Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Listen to yourself

 Its a-shame that ones higher self cant afford to do what ones subconscious calls them to do. Its a bitter sweet symphony this life. you spend your time trying to make ends meet then you die.

The prayer of one afflicted and wasting away whose anguish is poured out before the Lord.

Psalm 102

Lord, hear my prayer;

    let my cry come to you.

3 Do not hide your face from me

    in the day of my distress.

Turn your ear to me;

    when I call, answer me quickly.

4 For my days vanish like smoke;

    my bones burn away as in a furnace.

5 My heart is withered, dried up like grass,

    too wasted to eat my food.

6 From my loud groaning

    I become just skin and bones.

7 I am like a desert owl,

    like an owl among the ruins.

8 I lie awake and moan,

    like a lone sparrow on the roof.

9 All day long my enemies taunt me;

    in their rage, they make my name a curse.[b]

10 I eat ashes like bread,

    mingle my drink with tears.

11 Because of your furious wrath,

    you lifted me up just to cast me down.

12 My days are like a lengthening shadow;

    I wither like the grass.


13 But you, Lord, are enthroned forever;

    your renown is for all generations.

14 You will again show mercy to Zion;

    now is the time for pity;

    the appointed time has come.

15 Its stones are dear to your servants;

    its dust moves them to pity.

16 The nations shall fear your name, Lord,

    all the kings of the earth, your glory,

17 Once the Lord has rebuilt Zion

    and appeared in glory,

18 Heeding the plea of the lowly,

    not scorning their prayer.

19 Let this be written for the next generation,

    for a people not yet born,

    that they may praise the Lord:

20 [c]“The Lord looked down from the holy heights,

    viewed the earth from heaven,

21 To attend to the groaning of the prisoners,

    to release those doomed to die.”

22 Then the Lord’s name will be declared on Zion,

    his praise in Jerusalem,

23 When peoples and kingdoms gather

    to serve the Lord.


24 He has shattered my strength in mid-course,

    has cut short my days.

25 I plead, O my God,

    do not take me in the midst of my days.[d]

    Your years last through all generations.

26 Of old you laid the earth’s foundations;

    the heavens are the work of your hands.

27 They perish, but you remain;

    they all wear out like a garment;

Like clothing you change them and they are changed,

28     but you are the same, your years have no end.

29 May the children of your servants live on;

    may their descendants live in your presence.


Saint Stephen Harding

 Born to the English nobility. After a somewhat mis-spent youth, he was drawn to religious life and entered the Benedictine Sherborne Abbey. Following the Norman conquest of England in 1066, Stephen left the monastic life, moved to Scotland and then to Paris, France to study. Pilgrim to Rome, Italy, seeking forgiveness for having abandoned monasticism. Monk at Molesme Abbey. With Saint Robert of Molesme, he helped begin the Cistercian reform by helping found Citeaux Abbey in 1098. Chosen abbot of the house in 1109, he came in with a reformer’s zeal and administrative skill. Accepted Saint Bernard of Clairvaux into the Order with all the reform and expansion that he and his brothers brought with them. Helped found a dozen other Cistercian houses. amd gave the statutes that started the Cistician nuns. His reform work aimed at simplicity in all things including liturgical rites, church decor, monastic dress, and life in the Order.

Magic is in your heart




Bear Grass

 This flowering perennial plant is native to North America. It produces tall stalks that shoot from the base, reaching up to four feet. They carry slightly fragrant white flowers that form in an upright club. Unfortunately, deers eat the flowers, and bears eat the evergreen foliage. But they provide unusual shapes and texture to all gardens and look great when planted in larger groups. 

Circle feature at Riverhill House Kent England.


Pool with a view


Plate from the service of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich

Plate from the service of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich. Imperial Porcelain Factory. Project F.G. Solntsev 1848 - 1855. Porcelain, painting, gilding, engraving

Sunday, March 26, 2023

I will put my spirit in you that you may live

 Thus says the Lord GOD:

O my people, I will open your graves

and have you rise from them,

and bring you back to the land of Israel.

Then you shall know that I am the LORD,

when I open your graves and have you rise from them,

O my people!

I will put my spirit in you that you may live,

and I will settle you upon your land;

thus you shall know that I am the LORD.

I have promised, and I will do it, says the LORD.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Hall of Preserving Harmony

 The Hall of Preserving Harmony  is one of the three halls of the Outer Court of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China, along with the Hall of Supreme Harmony and Hall of Central Harmony. Rectangular in plan, the Hall of Preserving Harmony is similar to, but smaller in scale than, the Hall of Supreme Harmony. It was used for rehearsing ceremonies, and was also the site of the final stage of the Imperial examination. Both of these halls also feature imperial thrones, though to a slightly smaller scale than that in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Schloss Paffendorf, Bergheim, Germany


1937 Duesenberg Model J Limousine Landaulette


Two Women in the Woods Vincent van Gogh Date: 1882

Two Women in the Woods

Vincent van Gogh

Date: 1882; Haag / Den Haag / La Haye / The Hague, Netherlands  

Style: Realism

Genre: genre painting

Media: oil, paper

Location: Private Collection


Frank-O'Meara John Singer Sargent Date: 1876


John Singer Sargent

Date: 1876

Style: Realism

Genre: portrait

Media: oil, canvas

Location: Private Collection

Tiffany & Co.


Le Choix Pour La Ceremonie


Suzy Parker wearing beige button front suit with white flowered hat both from Christian Dior Vogue 1953


Art Deco Bedroom


Monday, March 20, 2023

Hello Spring


Maxine on Spring


Marble Palace, St.Petersburg, Russia


Understand yourself


Our Lady of Calevourt


Our Lady is identified under various titles, due to the fact that Mary gives aid, even miraculous aid, when it is required. Our Lady of Calevourt is better referred to as Our Lady of Good Success, or Our Lady of Aberdeen.

This statue is of the Blessed Mother standing with her Divine Child reclining on her right arm, His feet supported by the left hand of His mother. Our Lady holds a key and a large rosary.

We are told that during the Protestant “Reformation,” the figure was taken to Flanders and hidden by a Catholic family to protect it from profanation; in due course it fell into the hands of Protestants. This family received numerous graces and blessings which they attributed to the presence of the holy image in their house. They were reconciled to the Church as a result.

In 1623 a Spanish captain was given the statue with instructions to place it into the hands of Archduchess Isabella. The arrival of the statue in Brussels is related under several incidents. The same day the ship arrived, the Infanta Isabella won a battle against the Hollanders. The Princess sent the statue back to Brussels, providing the necessary funds for a sanctuary she intended to be called Our Lady of Aberdeen. The townspeople greeted the statue enthusiastically with a procession and placed it in the chapel, but when the victory became known, the name of the sanctuary was changed and dedicated instead to Our Lady of Good Success.

From that time on Mary travelled from place to place, but always her image was saved. During the Terrors of the French Revolution the statue was given to an English Catholic who kept it safe until 1805, when it was restored to Belgium. A few years later the Protestants forced the image to be transferred to a parish church in Finistere, where the image now reigns peacefully over her beloved people.

Ostara, Spring equinox, wiccan wheel


Bohemian Waxwing


Balloon Flower

 This is a herbaceous perennial flower that produces plentiful bell-shaped deep blue or light pink flowers. Balloon Flowers bloom from balloon-like buds. Just be sure to resist popping them. Their stems emerge in late spring, be careful not to disturb them. They look ideal in cottage gardens, containers, and beds, and should be planted in groups for best effect. 

Water feature


Outdoor Dining


Saucer. Imperial Porcelain Factory 1825 - 1855. Porcelain, cobalt underglaze, gilding


Purple and Blue


Man Cave


Boldt Castle, Alexandria bay, New York, United States


A well stocked Garage


Shores of Scheveningen Vincent van Gogh Date: 1882

 Shores of Scheveningen

Vincent van Gogh

Date: 1882; Haag / Den Haag / La Haye / The Hague, Netherlands  

Style: Post-Impressionism

Genre: landscape

Media: oil, canvas

Young Man in Reverie John Singer Sargent Date: 1876

 Young Man in Reverie

John Singer Sargent

Date: 1876

Style: Realism

Genre: portrait

Media: watercolor, paper

Location: Brooklyn Museum, New York City, NY, US

Fashion Appropriate for the first day of Spring


A Gentlemen's attire


Art Deco Stool


Luxury Riding


